Thursday, June 4, 2009

Final Countdown: June 4th: The Day Mama Gained 10lbs

Dear Monkey,

One week from today you will be here. You've got 6 more days to pick your own birthday, because come next Thursday, Dr. K is issuing an eviction notice. That doesn't sound very fun does it? It involves this nasty thing called Pitocin that Mama is very afraid of. So let's shoot for sometime before June 11th, okay? Sunday sounds good to me.

Today we went to our 38 week doctors appointment, even though it felt like we had just been at the doctor. Oh, wait. That's because we DID just go to the doctor on Monday. At this rate we should have our own parking spot right near the door! The appointment wasn't very exciting. You were a rockstar on the non stress test, which was a big relief after the worries of Monday. Mama stepped on the scale. It wasn't pretty. According to the scale, Mama gained 10lbs in a week! It's pretty easy to see why. Mama no longer has ankles, or calves, or knee caps. The doctors say swelling is to be expected at this point in the game, but 10lbs is a lot of water retention. No more salt for Mama.

Dr. A also checked to see if things were progressing and delivered the bad news that nothing has changed in there since last week. So, we're still waiting on you Monkey. The bags are packed, the car seat is installed, and if Mama's feet get any bigger she'll have to walk into the hospital barefoot. Lets get this show on the road, okay?



justem said...

I'm sorry I laughed when I read this. The part about the kneecaps got to me. At least you aren't in danger of getting them whacked by the mob if they are non-existent.

Also...just think of how great it will be when you lose like 20 pounds in a day. That 10 pounds will be along distant memory!!

Laura said...

Thinking about you guys, Steph! Can't wait to hear the news...And I agree with Em - you will be amazed how much weight goes away right away...But just warning you - my ankles never swelled (helped that he came at 36 weeks!) but they did swell after labor! Went away within a few days though...

Enjoy the weekend just the three of you! :)

Barb said...

Hang in there, Steph!