Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Final Countdown: June 10th: The Day Before We Meet You

Dear Monkey,

I can't believe we're really here. If all goes as planned, this time tomorrow I'll be holding you in my arms. We'll finally know for sure if you're a boy flavored monkey or a girl flavored monkey. We'll be able to call you by your name. We'll be able to see if your cheeks really are as chubby as they appear on the ultrasound. We'll count your fingers and your toes and fumble to change your first diapers.

I wish I could bottle this feeling I have right now. It's like the night before Christmas meets the first day of college meets the night before my wedding. And yet it's like none of those things, because all of those things came easily compared to what we went through to get to this day. Every moment of the last 39 weeks has been a little surreal. Tomorrow will be surreal too, I'm sure.

I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight with all this excitement but I know I'll need my rest.

Can't wait to meet you!


justem said...

Can't wait to meet you monkey!!

Anonymous said...

Steph - I'm sitting at work with chills, crying harder than Monkey will be at birth. This was so beautiful, meaningful and eloquent.

This is going to be one loved-little-monkey!