Monday, March 23, 2009

Well it's about time...

I've said it before. There is something insanely funny to me about the child of two photographers being camera shy inside the womb. But that's the way Monkey has been from the very beginning: hiding his/her face behind arms and legs or flat out rolling over so there's no way to get a clear look!

Today's appointment started off the very same way. It didn't take long for the tech to tell us she was clearly going to be "earning her paycheck" with this baby! Monkey was quite comfy with his/her head down and tucked in towards my back. Attempts to move Monkey resulted in nothing more than me getting some very forceful kicks and punches!

But we were patient, and when Dr. L, our perinatologist, came in to continue the ultrasound, we tried a couple of different positions. We were rewarded with a couple of neat profile shots and the thing we've been waiting months for: a nice 3d face picture!

Look! Our kid has a face!!! It's a little shadowy because of how nicely tucked in Monkey was, but at least there there no limbs obscuring our view!

The first thing I thought of when I saw this one... I think he/she is going to have the Anderson mouth. That means if Monkey is boy flavored, he's going to need to grow a mustache to make up for the absence of an upper lip.

Apparently this ultrasound thing is boring. Here's Monkey yawning in profile.

One more profile shot. You can see his/her little hand coming up near the chin!

Other important info from today's appointment:
  • heartrate: 145 beats for minute. Still on the "girl" side of the old wives tale.
  • Approximate weight: 2lbs9oz
  • Measuring about 28weeks5days ( one week ahead of my due date)
  • Head measuring about 28weeks (the first time she checked it measured 30weeks2days. Cue panic on my part. Thankfully she got a better view the second time she measured!)
Since we're still keeping a close watch on growth because of my gestational diabetes, we'll get to see Monkey again in 4 weeks! The cool thing is that the next visit coincides with a visit from "Grandpa Anderson" so Monkey gets to show off in the womb!

1 comment:

justem said...

The whole heart rate things seems so interesting to me!! Spud's heart has been anywhere from 145 to 158 but the midwives still think it's a boy. I would actually love to see some statistics on how often that is correct!! Glad you got to see the little guy...he (or she) is looking great!