Friday, March 27, 2009

Thank You Mystery Person....and Mystery Solved!

This afternoon this super cool high chair arrived on our front porch. It matches the pack and play and swing we registered for and it goes well with our current decor. We love it. What we don't love is that it came without a packing slip!! So we don't know who was kind enough to send it for Monkey!

So whoever you are: THANK YOU! And please drop me an email or call me and let me know so I can send the proper thank you!

Update: This morning Karl decided to unpack the high chair so we could take the box to the cardboard dumpster. Upon opening the box, he discovered the babies r us folks had opened the box and placed the packing slip inside before carefully resealing it! So the mystery has been solved...the super cool high chair came from the Homburg Grandparents!

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