Even though it feels like you've been with us forever, I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I remember when I found out you were a boy, just like I thought. I was so excited to finally have my Anderson James. I remember telling you that I saw you when you were just a follicle! I guess that's one of the perks of the fertility treatments we went through to bring you into the world. I really can say I knew you from the very beginning!
Your daddy made fun of me in those first couple of days because I just kept saying you were amazing. I used that word over and over because it was really the only way to express the way I felt when I looked at you in my arms. Two months later I'd say the label still fits. You amaze me, even at 3 in the morning when I'm changing your diaper with my eyes half open. Your smile makes me forget that I'm tired. Your daddy will tell you that's pretty amazing since I'm normally very grumpy if I don't get enough sleep. You amaze me when you fall asleep laying on me in a position that looks anything but comfortable. You especially amaze me with your uncanny ability to poop right after bath time. :)
In honor of your two month birthday, I thought I would document a few details about your life right now...
At 2 months...
- You weigh 11lbs 13oz (55%)
- You're 23.25inches tall (65%)
- Your head is 40.cm around (72%...big head big brain right)
- You are becoming a great sleeper giving us six straight hours on most nights and sometimes even 8 hours.
- You still sleep at night in the pack and play next to our bed. I love having you close, but I won't miss all of your loud sleeping noises when you move to your room.
- You are swaddled by Daddy every night at bedtime. We call him the swaddle master because he does a much better job than mama.
- You take one good nap a day in your crib. You go down anywhere between 10:30 and 12:00 and you wake up between 1pm and 3pm.
- You catnap during the rest of the day in the carseat or the swing, or your very favorite place....on mama's chest.
- You started smiling at 6 weeks and now you smile every day. You're especially smiling in the mornings, which makes it a little easier for Mama to wake up.
- You love to be in the car, but would prefer it if we could run through stop lights and never had to stop for gas. Sometimes I hear you sigh happily when we accelerate onto the highway. Even at 2 months you have a need for speed.
- You get two bottles a day so we can give you your anti seizure medication, but other than that you are exclusively breast fed. Like a typical breast fed baby, you look at anyone holding you as a potential food source and you get a big smile on your face when daddy passes you off to me to eat.
- Your opinion on baths seems to be changing. Daddy made the water a little warmer and now you seem pretty content to hang out in the sink for a while. You still hate the getting out and drying off part though.
- You spent your first afternoon away from Mama and Daddy on 8/2. You hung out with Auntie Trish so that we could shoot an engagement session.
- 80% of your clothing is monkey related.
1 comment:
Miri and I have been looking at AJ's photos. She says he looks like a real catch. ;)
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