Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby Homburg at almost 14 weeks

Last appointment, Baby Homburg was a show off. This week, he apparently was feeling a little shy, or stubborn depending on how you look at it. The u/s tech needed a very specific view of the baby to get the measurement she was after. Guess who didn't want to cooperate.

I had to do lots of shifting and moving around and I'm pretty sure I may have bruises for how hard she had to poke to get baby's attention, but we finally got what we were after. And as a reward for our patience, we got sent hom with some pretty cool pictures!

We won't get to see Monkey again until sometime in February so these shots will have to las us a while.

Here he is deep in thought with fist to chin.

3d profile shot with fist visible.

Alien baby!!! We got to see the baby already has both hemispheres of the brain!

Another 3d image, this time a full body shot. The Monkey currently has a very bony butt!

Another cool profile.

Alien baby chilling in the womb.

S/he was doing all sorts of aerobics in there, complete with backflips and jumping jacks. The heart rate this time around was 173, which is faster than we've ever heard before. The old wive's tales say this means girl. I say the jury is still out.


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say that I am SO HAPPY for you Stephanie :). AWESOME.

Ali Edwards

Susan Beth said...

Beautiful pictures! You will treasure them forever! And by my count now at 16 weeks, and I bet if you haven't felt the movement yet you will pretty soon! Such a fun time!