Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Costume Test Drive

(Alternate title: My mama has lost her mind, please send help!)

Hey folks, A.J. here!

I come to you with a terrible tale of humiliation and torture. You'd never know it by looking at my mama, but she has an evil streak. Sure, she seems like a good parent. She keeps me fed and changed and happy most of the time. But this morning, she showed her true colors.

I present to you Exhibit A:

Do you see this?? Mama says all babies dress up for Halloween. I don't know what "Halloween" is, but why on earth is there a BANANA on my head??
You put a banana on my head and then you want me to smile??? What is wrong with you woman?
Perhaps if I put on my really really cute face you'll take pity on me and get me out of this getup!
No? I have to stay in this thing? And wear it again this weekend? That's it. I've lost the will to live.

1 comment:

justem said...

Dear A.J.

I have a monkey costume for Halloween, too. But my Mama wants me to be a giant monkey, like a planet of the Apes monkey. And the head is so big that you can't actually find my face in it. I wish we could be monkeys together...that might make the whole experience a little more bearable.
