Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Little Gemini

S/he's not even here yet, but Monkey is already showing two sides of his her personality.


Sweet, smiling Monkey
and..Tongue sticking out Sassy Monkey!

Both of these images came from our 36 week growth scan this morning. According to Dr. Larmon, Monkey now weighs in at a whopping 6lbs 11oz. That means he/she is measuring about 8 days ahead of schedule, which is good news and means the gestational diabetes isn't turning Monkey into Gargantuan Baby! Babies gain an average of 1/2 lb a week at this point, meaning if I went all the way to 40 weeks, Monkey would weigh around 8.5-9lbs. But because of the gestational diabetes, Dr. Larmon doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks, so if I haven't gone into labor on my own, we'll be looking at an induction around June 11th.

But...Dr Larmon is pretty confident that I'll go into labor on my own before then. My first internal check this week showed I'm currently dialated 1cm, 50% effaced, and Monkey is at -2 station. Since we're already making progress, Dr Larmon believes I won't make it to 39 weeks, which is good for me. I've heard nasty things about inductions...

So that's the story from here. The doctor gave us the all clear to go up to the U.P. for the weekend, so Karl and I will get to visit with the Homburgs for a couple of days. I have been quite clear with Monkey that I don't plan to deliver a Yooper, so there will be NO BABY this weekend!

1 comment:

justem said...

We can't wait to meet Monkey! Soon now... :)

(Comment typed at 3:00 a.m....look what you have to look forward to!) ;)