Monday, April 20, 2009

A Break from the Gender Neutral

Since we don't know whether Monkey will be boy flavored or girl flavored, there's a whole lot of green, yellow, and orange floating around our house these days. All three are great colors, and will make things easier when Monkey has to share his/her stuff with a sibling or two, but sometimes it is really fun to shop for a specific gender.

So with that in mind, we decided to purchase a boy outfit and a girl outfit to bring to the hospital for Monkey to come home in. Obviously only one of those outfits will get put to use in our family, but since we know SO many other mamas to be, someone else will happily take the unused outfit off our hands!

You know the package will be filled with goodness when it comes wrapped like this. Janie and Jack is normally out of our price range for baby clothes, but avid web stalkers can sometimes find a great deal. And really, you only get *one* going home outfit, so it's okay to splurge a little!

Here are the two options hanging side by side on Monkey's dresser. Which outfit will you wear little one??
A boy flavored Monkey will come home in this! Love the stripes and the little polo shirt collar...and the easy diaper change access snaps on the legs! But my favorite part is this...
There's a little frog prince! For those that don't remember, Karl proposed to me while I was wearing frog prince flannel pajamas.
And here's the girl flavored option, in a shade of my favorite color green.
And a closer look reveals another little frog prince in the girl pattern! Maybe we should be calling Monkey "Frogger" instead. :)

1 comment:

justem said...

They are both so cute!!! If you are the first friend to have a boy our boy outfit becomes yours! ;)