Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Homburg at (almost) 22 weeks

Today we had what is fondly referred to as "the big ultrasound." Big, because for those that don't want to wait, the ultrasound tech can normally see if the baby is boy or girl flavored. But, we've already established that we won't be finding out early in the Homburg household, so no money shot for us.

What we did get picture wise from today's scan is....not much. You have to see the humor in the fact that the unborn child of two photographers is already refusing to pose for his/her close up. Much like our 14 week ultrasound, Monkey spent most of the scan curled up in a tight little ball, hands dramatically thrown in front of the face and legs tucked up so tight I think he/she could have sucked on toes if the thumbs got boring.

Here's the three shots we came home with:

Our curled up little monkey, showing of his/her spine and not much else.

Those two little blobs are the feet that have recently started poking me from behind my bellybutton.

And finally, our one attempt at a 3d image. What you should be seeing is a nice close up of Monkey's face. What you are actually seeing is the dramatic "I'm putting my hand and arm in front of my face so you can't see me. Now go away!" shot. Nice, huh?

So, a little disappointing on the picture front, but otherwise a great appointment. A few highlights:
  • Everything measured just as it should. Kidneys and stomach functioning properly and all four chambers of the heart visible.
  • We're currently measuring about 5 days ahead of the due date.
  • Dr. K. is happy with my gestational diabetes management thus far. No changes to my diet or my medications.
  • I'm cleared to start back up in my yoga class next month (the prenatal version anyway).
Because of the diabetes, we'll be seeing more of Monkey than we would if this was a "normal" pregnancy. I have another scan in 6 weeks, and a meeting with the perinatologist who works with my dr. I'll have at least one more scan to check on growth at around 36 weeks and my regular office visits will be more frequent. If Monkey keeps growing we may be meeting him/her earlier than our June 18th due date!

That about wraps it up on this front. I'll be back later this week to share the growing pile of cool stuff the baby has aquired from friends and family. And if we ever decide on furniture, I'll post pictures of our future nursery.

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