Hi Guys! A.J. here!
I may only be 5 months old, but I'm already learning that the holiday season means things are really really busy. We're only half way through November and I've already been very busy. Here's a peek at what I've been up to:
Visiting Miss Sara: Mama and I drove down to Brown Deer to celebrate Miss Sara's new engagement. Mama is always telling me what a funny funny girl Miss Sara is so the moment I saw her I decided to show off my ability to giggle. I think the giggling made up for the fact that I made a really stinky diaper at her house!
Showing off my new tricks for Grandpa Mark: The last time he saw me, I was only a week old and, honestly, a pretty boring kid. I mean, I tried to stir up some drama with my visit to Children's Hospital, but when it comes down to it newborns just don't do much to entertain their visitors. Now that I'm 5 months old, it's way cooler to hang out with me (if I do say so myself). I showed Grandpa how I like to sit up, stand, and play in my exersaucer. I also smiled and giggled at him a little bit which I'd like to think makes up for the beard pulling.
Snuggling with Grandma Joan: Mama had her wisdom teeth pulled last week and Grandpa Mark and Grandma Joan's visits timed out so that they were each here to hang out with me while Mama recovered. Grandma Joan and I spent lots of time snuggling while she was here. You see, I started getting a bit fussy a couple of days into her visit. You might be able to guess why by the fist shoved all the way into my mouth in that picture up there. My first pesky tooth decided this was the week it wanted to really try to come in. That tooth made me crabby and tired and fussy. It also made me want to stay up all night to snuggle with my Mama instead of sleeping. Good news though! As of this morning, the tooth is in!! It's not hurting me nearly as much as before, and last night I actually slept 7.5 hours straight which I haven't done in a week!So, there you have it! I've been a busy boy the past few weeks! And life isn't slowing down any time soon. On Friday we are packing up the car and starting a really big road trip! We're going to visit Mama's old friends in Knoxville before we head to Virginia for Thanksgiving with Mama's family. THEN on the way home from our big adventure, we're going to stop in Michigan to see my Grandma Kristine and Grandpa Fred. It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks but I'm really excited!
Catch ya on the flip side!